Riley Drummond


i love making zines. i'm currently hoping to pursue a career in making graphic novels, and zines are where it started it all! enjoy my small (but quickly growing) collection of zines ranging from serious pieces i've made including writing and well thought out illustrations to some silly things i've made with friends :p

thoughts of winter

this is my first small collection of edited journal entries depicting my various thoughts and feelings of the past few months accompanied by various illustrations.


rot is a six-page zine created in my graphic novel illustration class. this zine is currently still in progress and is a collection of dreams i've had. 

november is starting to rot

a small zine i made for a dear friend of mine about how awful november feels to the both of us. this was made with watercolour and coloured pencil and hand bound with yarn

As I Am

a small zine made of cut out pictures pasted on paper. this is a personal piece on reflecting on my own personal growth as a girl.


silly zine made during a zine night with friends. made with collage, markers, stickers, stamps, and old drawings.  hand bound with thread


a zine made for friends, about grieving a relationship

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